Lo vieron?

24 sep 2005

Pus ahora no lo ven.... desapareció... jojojo algo dificil de contar...

Pero muy acertado....

3 ¿Que piensas al respecto?:

Anónimo dijo...

Does Vista Really Matter?
Microsoft will ultimately spend many hundreds of millions of dollars developing and marketing Vista in a bet-the-farm strategy on the new operating system.
Hi! You've got a great blog here! Keep it up....

I have a internet marketing success site. It pretty much covers internet marketing success related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anónimo dijo...

Rita Pushes Blogs, Rich Maps to Forefront
September 23,2005 | -- As Hurricane Rita approached, editors at the Houston Chronicle decided to experiment: They hand-picked about a dozen Web diarists and asked them to post regular dispatches on the ...
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Anónimo dijo...

I was just blog surfing and thought yours has some interesting stuff!

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